Sunday, May 24, 2009

I joined Team in Training(TNT) last week and committed to two things:

1)Running the Nike Women's Marathon at San Francisco on Sunday, October 18, 2009. All 26.2 miles of it.

2)Raising $3,900.00 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Yes, I realize these commitments are huge. But damn it, I'm going to achieve them.

TNT had our first training run on Saturday. I was apprehensive about going. I've always been a solo runner. It actually ended up being no big deal and I pretty much ran by myself the whole way (we ran 3 miles around Liberty Park). The team coach ran with me for a bit. I also met and talked with a few of the team members. So, my little shy self is looking forward to next Saturday.

The coach gave us a training schedule and right now it is easy! Which is perfectly fine with me. I've actually taken a few weeks off since I ran the Salt Lake City Half-Marathon. I didn't train very well for the half. I wish I had trained better and more. My time would have been 10x's better. But, I ran into a problem around January, and never got it taken care of. I was afraid to go get the problem fixed before I ran the half-marathon because I didn't want it to interfere with my training. Well, not taking care of it interfered anyway and I really regret not going to the doctor when I first noticed it. It was a ganglion cyst on the bottom of the ball of my left foot. I went to see a podiatrist about it 2 weeks ago. All he did was put a needle with steroids in it (which hurt like hell) and broke it up. The podiatrist worked miracles. It only took about two weeks to completely heal. When I ran on Saturday it didn't hurt! After running for 3 months with a small dull annoying pain it was so nice to actually be running, and not have my feet hurt! YESSS. I'm going to rock it with training.

The training schedule is pretty easy this week. Which, I'm cool with. I'm going to attempt a morning run tomorrow. It's only 2 miles (see what I mean?). But, I'm going to follow the schedule and see how things go. Since I've taken time off, it feels good to go on shorter runs. I'll probably take the dog with me tomorrow.

The fundraising is going somewhat okay. I've had one donor. GO AARON! I have to come up with a clever fundraising letter and I'm stumped. I just want to raise money to cure cancer and run a marathon. Easy right? RIGHT?

It feels good to be blogging again.


  1. Hi again Ashley ---

    Yup, the schedule does start out really easy. If you want something harder, just let me know and I'd be happy to help out. I have to write a beginner schedule, because many on the team are new to running. But like I said, I can write a harder one for you. Just let me know your base mileage, and I can do it for you :).

  2. Cool! On a good week I usually run 15-18 miles. The long runs on Saturday (on the current schedule) are okay. It's just during the week that's a bit too easy.

    Thanks Tammy!
