Saturday, May 30, 2009

My name should be: Mrs. Indecisive.

I've decided that Team in Training really isn't for me. I thought I had the desire to fund raise, but I don't. Trying to raise $3,900 when I don't have the desire is HARD. I don't really know anyone personally with a blood cancer. My great-aunt was diagnosed with Leukemia last year and I COULD run the race to honor her. However, I feel like that's using her to get donations. So, the desire to raise money really isn't there. I've tried for the past week to write a fund raising letter, and I can't. If I could write, "I want to run a marathon, give me money to run it in San Francisco", I would but that's not appropriate. I thought I wanted to make a difference, but it's a pain in the ass. The moment I decided to not train with the Team, my stress level went back to what it normally is. Normal.

My original idea was to run the Portland Marathon, (before I found out about Team in Training) because North-West Oregon = Ashley's favorite place. So, you know what I did tonight? I registered to run it. October 4, 2009.

But, I'm also planning on doing a half with my sister-in-law, Cher. So, we've been trying to find the best half-marathon we could run. My mom also also wants to complete a half marathon so she's GOING to run it with us (I'm hoping she reads this blog and that changes her mind cause she's on the edge of deciding if she could complete 13.1 miles). THEN! We got my sister in on it and she's GOING to complete it too (there I go hoping she's reading this entry cause she's sitting on the fence too). I mean, wouldn't THAT be something awesome to brag about? All four of us Dansie girls completing 13.1 miles? I think so. I also want them to experience what it's like to cross the finish line, because THAT makes it all worth it.

We found 2 half's in Utah that look fun. The Top of Utah in Logan on August 29, 2009 and The Other Half, in Moab on October 18th, 2009. It's just a matter of choosing.

Anyway, somehow I ended up at the website for the Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon, (December 6, 2009) and I noticed that the race benefits the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA).

WHAT! That's right people. A marathon for Crohn's! Sweet!

So, I went on browsing and I found out that there is a endurance training program for the CCFA called, Team Challenge. Why didn't I research this before? REALLY?!? Now, THAT is something I could fund raise for. I could raise money for Chrons, easy! Because I've experienced it with JJ, and it SUCKS. I wrote a post about it on the old blog. That doesn't have the fun ER trips over Christmas, and the fact that it's May and JJ is finally starting to show improvement. I don't know if I will join the Team, but really?? THATS AWESOME.

I think I will sign up for the marathon even if the girls decide on something else and whatever they decide to run I will run it with them. I want to run a race for JJ. Depending on if I like running the full marathon in Oregon. It's close (wouldn't really cost all that much for lodging expenses). It sucks that it's in Vegas, but whatever. Rock 'n' Roll marathons are supposedly really fun.

I feel bad that I'm quiting Team in Training, cause I met some awesome people. Oh well, wasn't for me.

Here's to 18 weeks of training! Cheers!


  1. I think training for one that is more reasonable, AND means something to you? Makes obvious sense. And plus adding family coop of potential runners is a perk as well!

  2. Ashley, we'll miss you on the team :( and I wish you luck in your endeavors. I'm registered for Portland so maybe I'll see you there? I'm hoping to win the racewalking division.

    Good luck -
    Coach Tammy
